The Celestial Chain

Having played the Lance of Longinus, my team were ready to take on Time Run’s Celestial Chain mission. We gathered at Time Run HQ in Helmsley Place and met Aubrey for our mission briefing.

The Celestial Chain

As before, at 6:30pm sharp, the door swung open to reveal the Time Portal and the start of our time travelling adventure.

It appeared that a rogue goddess, once imprisoned, had broken free of The Celestial Chain. We were charged with gathering items needed to bind her once again……or risk the end of the world!

It was an offer we couldn’t refuse.

Following the briefing we moved to the staging room. Here we “met”  Luna’s other assistant, a robot called  Babbage, who was to be our guide between the time portals. A few more instructions from Luna, then my team set off across space and time, gathering artefacts and solving puzzles.

Collecting the artefacts

You only get 12 minutes per room to collect the artefacts, before you have to move on through the next time portal.

I’d read reports that you don’t have enough time to solve all the puzzles before you are moved on. Some reviewers had found this frustrating, and I’ll admit, it put me off playing this game. However, I spoke to a fellow enthusiast who said the puzzles equate to points. You move on through the next time portal with the artefacts you’ve collected and the points you’ve scored, so aim to collect as much as possible and score as much as possible.

With that in mind, we discovered there was enough time to attempt most of the puzzles in each room, even if you didn’t always succeed.

There is a lot of reading in each room, especially the second room, which has low lighting. We struggled to read some instructions and to see the puzzles clearly in this room. However, we were still able to collect two of the three artefacts required before moving on.

At the end we were given a score card listing our teams achievements and accomplishments. The “Skill Points” are a weighted measure of overall success. At 94 out of 100 points we were all very pleased with ourselves.

Time Run

This team, Babbage decided, were “the Calm”, as we sailed through time with glacial grace – moving at our own pace and calm under pressure. Perhaps a little too calm under pressure….

Time Run is a high production escape room in London. If you haven’t played both these games, book now as there’s only so long left.

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