Time Run: Lance Of Longinus

Luna Fox had sent us a message via our team leader.

We were to meet at a certain location at a certain time. We were required to wear flat shoes for Time Running and warned that, while we were not to be late, we were also not to be early.

“Do not ring the doorbell until exactly your allocated time slot.”

As we huddled outside a doorway in East London, one brave adventurer decided to flout the instructions we’d been sent and try her hand at ringing the doorbell 10 minutes early.

It was ignored.

But at 6:30pm sharp the door swung open to reveal the Time Portal and our time travelling adventure could begin.

Instead of being greeted by a games master, we were met by Luna’s assistant Aubrey Defoe. He showed us into his “office” for a briefing on our mission. To make travelling between time portals easier we were required to leave our bags and coats behind. Loading the storage crate one member of our team snagged his finger and had to be taken to get a plaster. Aubrey remained in character, telling us that time travel was not supposed to be that dangerous, and ad libbing until all the team were back together.

After the briefing we were shown into the staging room where we “met”  Luna’s other assistant, a robot called  Babbage. He was to be our guide between the time portals. We had more instructions from Luna and then we were off to solve the first puzzles and challenges in an attempt to retireve the Lance Of Longinus.

The puzzles were good and the production value of the sets was amazing. Time Run is  a really impressive immersive game.

Being non-linear, all team members were free to search and solve as we moved between time portals. And we did. Sometimes we worked as pairs, sometimes as a group and sometimes we tried things alone. (Looking at you, “silent solver”.)

We managed to retrieve the Lance Of Longinus and escape back to our time zone with a few minutes to spare.

As well as making it onto the leader board, we were given a report card during the debriefing. After some careful consideration Babbage had decided we were “the Academics” who were both helped and hindered by the raw power of our intellect.

A fair assessment and a great game.

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